Theoretical Subjects (FM- 100): Class Test- 20, End Sem Exam- 70, Teachers Assessment- 10. Theoretical Subjects (FM- 50): Class Test- 10, End Sem Exam- 35, Teachers Assessment- 05. Teachers assessment for theoretical paper will be based on the students class attendance. S/He must ensure a minimum of 60% attendance in class to be eligible for appearing semester exam. If the attendance is 60% to 65%, s/he will be awarded 20% of total marks allotted for Teachers assessment. For 65% to 70% attendance, marks will be 40%. For 70% to 75% class attendance, marks allotted should be 60% of the total marks. Attendance form 75% to 80% will result in 80% of the allotted marks and attendance more than 80% will result a full marks in Teachers Assessment. Sessional Subjects: Internal Assessment- 50% and External Assessment- 50%. A student must score a minimum of 40% to be awarded a grade point. Below 40% will render the student FAIL in that paper.