Department of Technical Education, Training & Skill Development Govt. of West Bengal
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Welcome to the Regional Institute of Printing Technology. This Institute was established in the year of 1956. This Institute offers 3 year full time diploma course on Printing Technology, Photography and Multimedia Technology.The scope of Printing, Photography and Multimedia will grow day by day requiring trained personnel in different stages as we know, India is emerging as a country of strong economical base and is expected to have a phenomenal industrial growth in the days to come. This Institute does not offer diploma alone, but creates inquisitiveness in the minds of the students who become thinkers and dreamers of tomorrow. We also take efforts to inculcate an attitude among our students, which transcends the young minds, from job seekers to service providers.
It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the Regional Institute of Printing Technology ( known as RIPT ) Kolkata. RIPT was established in the year 1956. RIPT has been serving to the nation for the last 6 decades by producing trained manpower in the field of Graphic and Media Technology. RIPT offers 3 year full time job oriented diploma course on Printing Technology, Photography and Mutlimedia Technology. The environment of learning in the campus makes our students technically strong, ethically and morally rich and responsible citizen with compassionate human value. Our alumni are doing remarkably well in all walks of life in industry, academics - both in the country and abroad. We hope to nurture your talent to far exceed your dreams. (From the Desk of the Principal-in-Charge)